As Seen in

March 24, 2013

Zoharous | Yellow Scoop Vest with African Print Neckline

Hi Everyone!
The Easter Season is coming up really fast and thinking about the fact that it's the closest holiday feels great!

Well, I created this tank top awhile ago but I just realised that I haven't posted it here yet. It was made with DaViva African print as you can see on the Neckline and an already made  cotton tank top, which I bought in one of the local shops in my Sunyani, where I live in Ghana

This tank top is actually on SALE in my shop at the moment. It is also available for custom order so for those of you who think you love this top enough, you can have it in any size or colour you  want. The coolest bit is that you get to choose the type of African print you'd like to have around the neckline... 

How cool is that?!?

My Inspiration:

Please let me know what you think about this tank top by leaving a comment write below this post. You may also visit my shop on Etsy if you want to see some of my other pieces.

I love to hear from you so you can also follow me on Twitter or like my page on Facebook... If Pinterest is your thing, its mine too!

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  Photography Courtesy:


  1. AMAZING !
    Cool top for sure ^^
    Lovely blog as well.
    I am new FOLLOWER :D
    Maybe you can stop by mine and if you like it, follow bacl ^^
    << From Brussels, with Love>>

    1. Wow... Thanks for visiting dear and for your follow... I'm grateful!


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