As Seen in

August 7, 2012

Good News from Beeline Clothings!

Hi Everyone,
The Good News is that, Beeline Clothings is now Zoharous!
Cool, Right?!?

Well, the word, 'Glamour' was my biggest inspiration. I wanted to use the Hebrew word for 'Glamour', which is 'Zohar' but it was already in use by many companies. So in an attempt to be creative, I had to re-think the whole concept.

I figured that, if Glamour is Zohar in  Hebrew, then I could re-invent something different out of it so I simply added '-ous', as in 'Glamorous'

So... Welcome to my Zoharous world... This is my new Logo!
What do you think??? 


  1. I like your blog style and has everything I like.

  2. Thank you for the warm welcome, I really like that logo! :D
    I'm following you now. :D If you want, you can find me on.
    Lots of love! <3

  3. It looks good!


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